Saturday, September 4, 2010

On taking up new sports and contributing to economy

I have just taken up two new sports: tennis and golf. Love both, completely, for life, and with no reservations. I would like to say that where I came from they are only pursued by the wealthy, but I think the Poland I left during mid-90s is quite different to the Poland of today. To the point, however: I have some reflections concerning the taking up of new sports which do not quite have much to do with sports as health-inducing activities.

Having just spent, in order to obtain all the necessary pieces of equipment one cannot play golf without, an amount of money which would sustain an average middle class family for... well, a while, I am in two minds about the whole thing.

The shoes (oh, the shoes....), the socks, the sexy glove, the seven (for now!) clubs, the bag which holds them, the polo tee, the cute skirt, and I am now fully equipped. Hit my first few balls today. Very gracious, elegant way of twisting one's body and walking. Riding the golf carts is fun too, and do not let anyone tell you otherwise. But why oh why the fuss? I am no socialist - noone who grew up in Eastern Europe should be. But could we make do with three or four clubs and perhaps even (forgive me, o ye golfers) go glove-less? Could we be less 'elitist', for lack of a better word (perhaps pre-selective is a better one)? I say 'we', because for all my complaining I adore golf, and tennis which also costs an arm and a leg to get into, and have been completely sold (irony is not accidental here) on the idea of pursuing both.

One thing that makes me feel good is that I have contributed to the economy, which in today's times cannot be a bad thing.

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